Saturday, May 29, 2010

Been a few days

Its been a few days, since the end of the challenge, i wwent for a 3.2 mile walk today, i miss the workouts, so i'm going to continue, how about you!

Heres another picture of the folk at the celebration dinner, you can see everyone!

See you in the gym!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We WILL miss you guys

Look at us! Geez we look great don't we! Congratulations to Marlene & Dennis, Mary & Bonnie, Ali and Matt... Outstanding! Congratulations to the rest of us, we worked hard, we have real results and real knowledge.! WoooHooo
I was in the gym Monday and Tuesday... No 100day heart challengers there, It was weird, a few of the regular gym folks were there, wheres Marlene, Dennis? I always saw them there, where'd they go? Christy? Lana? Wheres that cute Julianne? Hard to believe the official 100 days are over for us. Sad though isnt it? But happy in all the other reasons; we have lifelong friends that we shared the experience with! We will miss you guys! We'll have the "reunion", and see where were off to, talk about our experiences in greater detail,a nd reminisce about the first days when we got on the treadmill and couldnt't do more than a few minutes to now where we could walk from here to salt lake! You guys are great and I for one am happy to have met you and got to know you.. Take care and see you in the gym...( if i don't see you, i'll certainly be thinking of you)! Rest assured, if I do see you I will saunter over and stop and say hello! Thats what I do!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The End of the Beginning!

Well kids, it's officially the end of the beginning, we weigh out tommorrow at 7:00, and the celebration dinner is Wednesday ! We made it, in my mind, its been one of the best things both Kathy and i have done in a long time. I need to re-set my schedule now, what am I going to do...I get off work and go to the gym, now what? I know get off work and go to the gym! Its been a pleasure getting to know you all, the personal trainers and the other folks that werent part of the heart challenge but were in the gym every day as well. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and best wishes!
We all are looking great arent we? I wouldnt belive that only 100 days ago, we were wondering what are we supposed to do, what changes will we see, will the changes be good, bad, unknown.
We have added another notch in our experience belts, we now know what to do, and best of all how to do it!
We have built ourselves a little niche of the 100day heart challenge club, its been an honor getting to know all of you, and we hope to have built a long lastin g friendship with each of you! Take care and see you in the gym! Eric

Friday, May 21, 2010

As we come to a close

As we come to th close of this awsome challenge, I want to personnaly thank all the trainers Riley, Julliane, Catherine, Alicia, Chantel, for your support and patience! You guys have been great! Traci-Thank you too for your encouragement and help! We all really didn't believe you the first day when you said "I don't really like working out, but I love the way it makes me feel!" Well you made a believer out of me, we often quote you now, but HA HA I fooled you.. i kinda like the working out part too!

The bad news, I did a stress test as afollow up to having stents installed last July, It came back with a positive blockage (not agood thing) so I'm blogging from the hospital, they did an angio gram to see if i needed more stents, or??? Well it was a false positive! All is clear YAYYYY. but, the doc won't let me walk, jog, run in the 5k race for the red tommorrow. But i'm going, I want to cheer all of you on! WHat an outstanding job you've done and look at all you've accomplished! We all now know how to do it and I for one and Kathy for one more will continue. It has been an honor to get to know you folks. See you at the race and see you on June 12th! AND--See you in the gym!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Now we know

Now we know what those little white machines are in the gym, 90 days ago we looked at those and thought, what do those do? Am I going to be using one of those? Am I going to be using ALL of those? Now we look at "those" with a whole new respect...some we hate, some we like, (I don't think we could love one), we use them, they don't complain (well except for the old gray eliptical, it complains alot!)

We have learned what they do, what they don't do and some of them we want to smash into teeny tiny pieces! But they're always there for us, we get done, wipe our sweat off of them, and we look in the mirror (don't fib, I see you do it;) and see the changes they've helped us accomplish.

We're glad they're there, glad we learned to use them, and happy for the fitness we acheived. Thanks to all the personal trainers for the education, the support, and the never let up attitude, you guys have been great!

See you in the gym!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I see you!

I see you in the Gym, great to see you Lisa, I know how tough that was for you to beat the treadmill monster ! Outstanding Job! Hope you feel better! Dennis & Marlene, Lana, Christy, Brittney, I see you all the time, Brenda, Michelle, Aunt Betty, Jeff and Christy, Bonnie and Mary. You've been seen too. Now Mary and Kendra, Ali and guys are on a dififferent schedule. SO I rarely see you, but my informants tell me you're there...Brice, works out in SLC.

I'm just recalling as i end my blog with "see you in the gym"! I'm just letting you know .... I see you!

Take care and.....See you in the gym!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Did someone tell you?

I look at you guys and man have I seen changes. They're not subtle changes. You guys are looking good! People at work have made a comment to me regarding weight loss, inch loss, energy, whatever, Did someone tell you? I just smirk, and think to myself ...yeah babyyyy cool!

I could get used to this, I don't know about you, but i'm staying with it. Traci was right, I really like the way it makes me feel. Tell me you agree.

I'm likin' the way I look straight down and I can see my shoes! 1 goal down, now just turn this keg into a six pack! See you in the gym!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring 2010 100 day Heart Challenge reunion

Ok kids,
The heart challenge is nearing its final days. I know I'll miss it, I know I'll miss all of you (even Riley), but it doesn't have to be that way, so here's the plan, Kathy and I are planning our reunion when we get a date you'll get an invitation (including the slave driving PT's). A potluck of sorts, (our house in Woodland Hills), heart healthy of course (Kathy what did you do with my Oreo's), It'll be fun. Most likely in June (we dont have to wait 10 years). Hope you all can come. See you in the gym! Ali/Matt see you in class! Eric

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Scathingly Brilliant Idea

I was talking to Dennis yesterday and he thought that we (the heart challenge teams) should take a day and train the trainer! Scathingly Brilliant! So here's the deal, we get Riley, Catherine, Jullianne, Alicia, Shantel, and even Traci. We strap a 40 pound bag of salt to them (to simulate being 40 lbs overweight, just so you get an idea how it feels), put them on a treadmill and show them what we've learned!

We get to use OUR magic fingers, Oh lets bring up the incline a couple of points, speed up ...sure! How ya feeling, oh time for your cool down, oh cool down's over lets speed up again! How's that feel, are ya at that 7 yet? Yawn. I just want to take you up another's that feel? Feelin it burn?

C'mon guys theres 20 of us and only 6 of them...we can take 'em! I'll bring the salt!

You trainers are great, thanks for doing all you do! See you in the gym.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 67...

Where has all the time gone, its day 67, which means only 33 days left. WOW. Well I'm feeling good, Kathy's feeling good, everyone i've talked to is feeling good. Except Riley, he's starting to get depressed, soon he wont have us to kick around anymore! We'll miss him to, all you guys are doing great, I'm glad to have met and work out with you. Lets make the very best of the few days we have left! See you in the gym!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

C'mon Guys!

Sad Sad, You guys ( i do mean the men in this group) missed a great workout today, Yep I was the only guy, last time it was me and dennis, Alicia will work you pretty hard, At first glance, It doesn't look like much of a workout...wrong, your breathin hard, and sweatin' like you've been on the treadmill for 40 minutes. Plus Alicia makes it alot of fun too. So next time guys, don't woose out, you'll be glad you didnt. See you in the gym!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I can't see myself

Things are changing, but I can't see myself, I know how I feel, I know I'm getting stronger. But what makes worth it more is when you see someone that hasn't seen you for a bit and makes a nice remark. Aunt Betty said "look how buff you're getting". Big hug for you Aunt Betty! Thanks, I haven't been called "buff" since 1978 (which happens to be the last time I was). Makes me want to work out more. You all are looking great! Keep it up! See you in the gym.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ok---Who told Riley!????

Someone told RIley! (Or do you think he read my blog?) Elliptical 25 min level 6, intervals on the bike thing, "hey, lets try something new today" hook this weight thing here, move the pin there...just push this bar over your head, too much weight? Here let me add a little more! Its only 2-1/2 pounds (feels like 50). Here, have you ever done wall sits? Jeez....

DOes breathing come with this training package? No! You can breathe later when I'm finished with you! Just kidding Riley! Thanks! See you all in the gym!

Monday, April 12, 2010


(Pssst don't tell Riley) Wow, I'm amazed, went to work out at the gym, did 27 minutes on the beast's level 5, then 24 minutes on the treadmill at 3.8, THEN 10 minutes on the bike at 5-3 and when i hit the hills i kept the rpm over 100. THEN 2 sets on the dip thing and ab machine. I am absolutley in awe as to how much progress i've made, (6 weeks ago, this would have killed me), but I'm feeling GREAT! Thanks Heart Challenge! See you in the gym!

Monday, April 5, 2010

The beast

You know....those things that sit in the northwest corner of the gym, pretty harmless looking, first 2 minutes, i thought it'd kill me, then 3, 4 ,5, 10, 15, 20, now 25 minutes on level 4. 15 minutes breezes by (don't tell Riley), wow, I must be getting stronger. It started small, then snowballed to more and more. I'm gonna have to find a new name for it, cause I'm actually starting to like it. Take care! See you in the gym!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Circuit training....

Wow before two weeks ago the only circuit training I knew was 60 hertz, 120 volts, plug it in and it goes on, negative and positive, common, and ground. But Nooooooooooooooo! Riley says do this then jump to this, then when your feeling your through, oh yeah...jump to this then do it again, and then again. 3 circuits, 10 each? No, do 12 "you can do 12 can't you" So I fooled him...I did 15, hehe. Now ...todays accomplishments are tommorrows expectations! Slave Driver, as he yawns and whole-heartedly agrees! See you in the gym!

Monday, March 29, 2010

New Shoes

Talked with Matt last Friday, had to go check out the runners corner, left there with a new pair of Brooks! Wow what a difference! My feet don't hurt on the treadmill, and what do you know, I learned a new way to tie my shoes (you CAN teach a very old dog new tricks)! Today was a busy day at the gym. Lots of folks, (This excercise thing will NEVER take off).....and yes the mirrors are still there! take care and see you at the gym!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bad mirror! Scary Mirror!

I never really paid much attention to the mirrors in the gym, except for today..They're everywhere! You can see your back, your side, does this shirt make my belly look too big? (It's not the shirt pal!)I especially like seeing myself where the mirrors seams come together, Hey there's two of me...wait, there is two of me anyway! Soon though, the mirrors don't lie, the weight is coming off, we're getting stronger, feelin better, looking forward to the workouts. The mirrors...not so scary anymore! Keep it up...see you in the gym!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Riley, Riley, Riley

Its 8:35, and I'm just now feeling human again, Riley worked me pretty hard, whew...circuit training, no hands treadmill, "hey why don't you start with the eliptical"? Cause I don't want to thats why! Slavedriver...."is that too heavy"? Why no, I just can't lift it off the ground is all...let alone do three sets of 10, did I say 10? Riley says 12, Riley always says 12. Can't wait until 15...Wait, yes I can!

Do you have to have masochistic tendencies to be a personal trainer? My vote is yes...All kidding aside, his work outs are tough, and he is appreciated! See you all in the gym!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Another week in the life

Aye, another week. Took a little break this weekend, went to st george, met up with some friends in Mesquite, we all rode out motorcycles the back way into Vegas and back to mesquite. Riley's been working my "Harley Muscles" into shape, rode 300 miles, but it felt like 20! Normally I'd still be recovering. Wow...what a difference! I'm thinkin' I'm really likin' this. See you at the Gym!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Careful Big Fella...

Started work out yesterday feeling a little unwell;, thought i could push thru it.....NOT! after about 30 minutes on the treadmill, and 3 intervals later, started having a little chest pain, a little lightheaded, and felt as though I hit a brick wall, Riley made me stop, hooked me up to an EKG, looked ok, blood pressure a bitt high; Sat down for a bit, felt better, but no matter what Riley wouldn't let me get back to it! What a way to get out of treadmilling without holding on!

Went home, ate a salad and went to bed, woke up feeling fine, went back to the gym today, did my normal workout, still feeling pretty good.

Thanks all...see you in the gym!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday at the gym...

Geez, I thought friday's were dead at the gym. Nope, Saturday is a sure winner, We went inabout 5 pm (was everyone there in the morning?) We were the only ones there for about 40 minutes then a couple more folks showed up. Anyway, we got our workouts in, a little beast (elliptical) and alot of treadmill. Riley put me on the weight assist thing last thursday, since he beat me up pretty good prior to that (my arms are 5 inches longer!) i had a tough time with it, but saturday... yep did tow reps of ten each. I'm a happy guy. Take care all....see you at the gym!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another training day!

It's Thursday, another training day, We've kicked it up a notch, longer intervals on the treadmill, longer on the beast (eliptical), and just 1 more rep, just 1 more set. Yikes! We're gettin' stronger, and are actually looking forward to these workouts.

When I see you, please forgive me in advance when I tease you about winning! We're all winners. I'm glad to be part of this challenge, as I'm sure I wouldn't hit it this hard if at all other wise. Thanks to all! See you winners in the Gym!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where'd everybody go!?

First time I've worked out in the wellness center on a Friday, there was only 2 other people there! Had the place to ourselves! Had a great workout, 40 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the eliptical (the beast), Getting stronger (me 'n the eliptical do not get along at all!). Outstanding!

Me and Kathy did the "Movin' with the 80's" Saturday, It was actually kind of fun, and confirms that I still have no coordination! And yet, we worked into a tumultuous uproar. Thanks team for making it fun!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Minor changes...Major results

Walking on a treadmill, set the speed to 3.7, incline to 6.0 feeling ok, heart starting to pump, yep sweatin', breathing hard, still feelin good....okay lets kick up to 7.0 & 4.0; you then begin to realize just how long a minute is, they seem like time is standing still, you start to count, just can't get the seconds right, close your eyes, try counting again, open them, four seconds have though sure it was at least 10 seconds. Try again, same result. Yikes, why am I breathing so hard? Why are my legs turning to jello? Why is my hair wet? Oh yeah, I sped up .3 and inclined by 1.0. minor changes. What am I thinking? No pain, no gain, that certainly isn't it? another few minutes I can go eat my broken cookie? Nope, not it either. I know, I'm working hard and i had to tighten my belt one more hole. Thats it! Results...Oh wow, set the treadmill to 7.0 and speed it up tomorrow! See you in the Gym...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I don't like uneven numbers

Working on the treadmill, Riley set the incline at 6.5, speed at 3.7, as soon as he turned his back, I bumped it up to 7.0 and 4.0....He asked, you don't like what I set it on? My reply, "I do'nt like uneven numbers"...

Then I got bit! Moved to the eliptical (the beast) and 5 minutes to me, is tough, he asks, 6 minutes?, Of course I say how about 5.5...then he says " I don't like uneven numbers"! Yikes, blown out by my own comment, once again, open mouth....insert foot.

Aside from that, these workouts are starting to pay off, we're feeling stonger, better , getting faster, 2 weeks ago, we'd be hard pressed to do 1 mile in 40 minutes, today..Piece of cake! Cake, who said cake, how many carbs is that?

You guys are doing great! See you in the gym. OUTSTANDING!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Got it, trying to figure out to use it.

We got our meal plans Friday. I sooo confused, 45 carbs, 3 servings, no, wait, 3 carbs, 45 servings, protein (beans for breakfast???); We'll figure this out, Mindi has been great, really helpful! All thjis for a little calorie.....well, got to go burn some calories, got a match! See you later!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Workin' at it!

Worked out really hard today, trying to decide if Riley is tryin' to kill me or not! Just kidding, he's great! Wait it's the eliptical that tryin'! I see a few of the folks that are in the heart challenge in the wellness center, working hard, making a difference! Outstanding!

Traci-congratulations on your award! Way to go!

See you tommorrow - Take care and many thanks, Eric

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feelin' better every day!

I haven't felt this good in a while! Had I known this exercise thing would make me feel this good, and have more energy I'd have started eons ago, then maybe I wouldn't be so short for my weight. I thank all for chosing Kathy to participate, I thank Kathy for wanting me to partcipate with her. Had it not been for the 100 day heart challenge, I would not have started to work this hard to improve myself and feel like I do. I lost two pounds (though I feel like I should have lost 20), I'm passing up cookies (even the broken ones), choosing salad over burgers, and am looking forward to these workouts because I have joined the club on how it makes me feel. Good luck all...Eric

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm learning

Had our second workout with our personal trainer Riley; He worked us pretty hard, but it will pay off! I'm learning that I should have been doing this long ago, I'm learning how to use the equipment, and I'm learning that I can do this.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Results? What results?

Well we met with our assigned personal trainer Riley. He showed us what we needed to do, how to use the equipment and started workouts. We went the next day and the next day, I haven't lost a pound, (maybe I shouldn't have had that bag of chips at lunch), Kathy says it's too soon, I should believe her! but as hard as I think I'm working out.... Wait, I'm noticing more energy, 20 minutes on a treadmill isn't kicking my butt like it did a few months ago, I have an endorphine; holy smoke a roly, now there's a result! I'll keep at this, maybe I'll reach a point where the switch gets turned on and the weight will start to shed.

I used to cringe just driving by a Gym, I refered to exercise as "the E" word, now just after 3 days, I look forward to these workouts. I'm feeling really good. Thanks Traci & Riley! See you tomorrow! Eric